Worst Websites of 2007: Overview

bad web design can hurt your business

Unfortunately, 2007 was among the worst ever for great web design, but it was wonderful for bad design. Most of the sites look like the designer never read (or ignored) my article Does Your Web Site Suck? Checklist #1 — 155 Mortal Sins That Will Send Your Site to Web Design Hell.

These sites are bombsWorst Websites #1-10: Microsoft and Ace of Cakes are notable sites that made the list.

These sites are bombsWorst Websites #11-20: It's important to note that the worst web pages are not simply car wrecks on the Information Highway. Many of the sites that are featured on Web Pages That Suck have only one or just a few glaring faults.

These sites are bombsWorst Websites #21-30: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! The year 2007 was a good year for bad web design. Here are the last of the 30 worst web page designs of 2007 that appeared on Web Pages That Suck.

These sites are bombs2007 Worst Navigation: Unfortunately, 2007 was a banner year for the crappy design technique of Mystery Meat Navigation (MMN). I love irony and I find a great deal of irony in the fact that Sites #5 through #1 on this list are actually worse than anything on the Worst Websites of 2007 list.

These sites are bombsWorst Non-Profits #1 to 10: Notable sites include NASA, Hartnell College and the US Marine Corps.

These sites are bombsWorst Non-Profits #11 to 20: Notable sites include Brown University Research, El Paso Water and MIT Architecture.